Published Work
Please enjoy looking through my editorial, commercial, and stand-alone published work. You can find a full list of the publications and organisations I have worked with below along with any available links. If you would like to work with me, please find the relevant information under the ‘Contact and Commission’ tab.
List of Publications
Publications and Organisations
Alexandria: The Oxford Undergraduate Classics Journal - Oxford (creative team)
Angel Incubator- Student-run charity startup (creative team)
Berkeley Fiction Review- UC Berkeley (published)
Cherwell- Oxford (published, creative team)
Classics for All- UK charity (illustrator)
Common Ground- Oxford (published, creative team)
Figure of Speech- Oxford (published, creative team)
FourThreeThree- Canada (published)
Hypaethral Magazine- UK-wide (published)
Oxford Review of Books- Oxford (creative team)
OxStu- Oxford (illustrator)
Penumbra: Literary and Art Journal- California (published)
Persephone- Harvard (published)
Roots and their Branches- University College, Oxford (co-edited and published)
Seven Voices- Oxford (published)
The Isis- Oxford (published, creative team)
The Oxford Blue- Oxford (published, illustration team)
The Primer- UK (published)
Breakwater Art Gala, Oxford (January-February 2023)
Red- Gallerie V, Cambridge (February-April 2022)
Win It!- Aire Place Studios, Leeds (June 2022)
Antinous in the Swale- ADC Theatre- Cambridge (publicity designer)
Blood & Ice- Brickhouse Theatre Company- Cambridge (publicity designer)
Breakwater- Nocturne Productions (graphic designer)
Cicada’s Children- Edinburgh Fringe (publicity designer)
Eurydice, ADC Theatre- Cambridge (publicity designer)
Lifeline, ADC Theatre- Cambridge (publicity designer)
(Re)Present- ADC Theatre- Cambridge (publicity designer)
The Captive, ADC Theatre- Cambridge (publicity designer)
Wuthering Heights, ADC Theatre- Cambridge (publicity designer)
Artist Interviews
Classics Matters (Classics for All)
Available Links
Alexandria: The Oxford Undergraduate Classics Journal
Hilary Term, 2021- Sixth Issue
Trinity Term, 2021- Seventh Issue
Berkeley Fiction Review
Issue 41- Pillow Practise Illustration
Issue 42- Coral Street illustration
Breakwater Art Gala
Trinity Term, 2020- First Week
Trinity Term, 2020- Third Week
Trinity Term, 2020- Seventh Week
Classics for All
Hypaethral Magazine
Penumbra: Literary and Arts Journal
Seven Voices
The Primer